Friday, June 15, 2012

My Psalm-Bible Reading Weekend

On June 8, 2012 at approximately 7:41pm, we began a marathon. A Bible reading marathon.  

A good chunk of students from my PhotogenX school got the lofty goal from God of reading the entire Bible through and we did it, mostly, in a weekend. It was outrageous (my new favorite word!) on so many levels: 
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • HEAPS of BLESSINGS: starbucks, pizza, water, coke, M&Ms, donuts, apples and oranges, Subway, and cookies and oh my, so much more; we were constantly blessed and provided for.  
  • God's truth was read aloud on this earth for 50+ hours STRAIGHT!! 
  • I understand the general story of the world, the history recorded by God. 
  • I had so many revelations! Small ones of course with the pace we were reading, turning pages, sleeping, peeing, laughing, acting, pacing, cleaning....
I continually learn that the impossible to me is really just untried adventures. It was so easy to have a group of us taking turns and carrying each other's weight: when one was sleepy the other would read. It was fun! We had company and supporters. The momentum of discovery kept it alive, thank you LORD


A psalm of revelation and understanding, an ode to God, a small piece of praise
This is renewal of my mind, a step in the process. Oh there is a battle waged in my mind. Two sides compete for my affection, though a fool I would be if I did not note that the victory is won. Though I am human and gauge by my flesh, also measuring this life through flesh -  my mind is like Christ's.  
Oh what depths the treasures are found, the heights they are stacked will supply reward to my ever desire - dreams given from the Heavens are for the joy of the Lord, my strength. How I longed to love your Word, to have victory over the enemy who lied to me and perverted this quest.  
Now that I am here I only see this was a grain of sand on the shores that bind your nations from the raging sea. You are inexhaustible, how I err'd to have set my sights on this simple, small love for your Truth. Is there not leagues of truth beyond the text, beyond the habit? My soul has depended because of your victory this day and Satan has lost yet again.  
For such a time as this You made me wait - because You know the map of the universe and the storyline of the centuries. How could you ever misstep in granting me permission to the next glory at any other time than this?
We have just this capacity today and yesterday has been surpassed, yet tomorrow is forever out of reach. The authority of man, my confidence in what I am able will never approach the King. Because, we are not meant for containing His wonders or keeping up with His grandeur. I will not grow weary or reach my wit's end for I have been given an eternal gift which will mark each day with something to unwrap; He will never tire.  
Say, we will never know how much help we had - the strategy conspired to realize our feat. All I know is He carried me today, yesterday and all of time and before this time. It is not in what is seen ahead of each pass, but in the culmination of the past - I know better, and I know better. 

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