Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mount Olympus + Beach

So today was a really fun day, and I'd like to tell you about it. 

Our school leader, Jonathan, is here to visit our team in Greece. Just having come from his pastoral visit to Team Thailand, he is tired but really pumped to see us, obviously. 

We packed up the rental cars and headed Southwest to Olympus, to see Mount Olympus, and to go to the Olympic Beach. All things Olympic during this wondrous Olympic season, so fitting! And, original. 

These are some of the photos from the day! I had a wonderful day photography wise, it was of no effort to find something inspiring and beautiful to photograph. I wish I could have spent all day there. The sunlight penetrated through the canopies for just a bit, long enough to light up the pool below the waterfall the first time by. But sooner than we would like, just as Emily and I (pictured below) had gone off to grab some stray teammates it began to sprinkle. From a sprinkle to a light rain, from a light rain to a decently steady drip, then BOOOOOOM!!!! Thunder so sudden I screamed, I usually don't scream like this, let's be honest; it was out of nowhere. It was raining hard, I still wanted pictures of the turquoise water receiving more H20 and all its gorgeousness. But, MY CAMERA! We had to run the trail back up to the car, it was wet (duh?) and a challenge. Thankfully I had on layers and could use my shirt to wrap around my camera. The shirt was damp all the way through as it rained on me it flowed nicely off my hunched back--thinking this would be a make-shift umbrella of sorts. I was dripping but my camera remained safe. Let's just say we needed full time defrost on in the car ride home. 

A couple realizations I shall try to match up with my photos, you know, to give that deep, profound, tortured-artist vibe. But, lets be honest, God's creation speaks for itself and I hardly needed inspiration to snap the shot and let God do the rest. 

Beauty is simultaneous; it is NOT mutually exclusive. 

Every tear drop, every prayer, lands on the ♥ of God
Standing tall may come with resistance, but never, NEVER stop being who you are. Thanks, Mom. 
When you feel like life lesson's come in the form of a fire hose, build a lake to catch it all. 

'So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
[If] You stand through the pain
You won't drown...
You stand in the rain'
--Superchick, Stand In The Rain

Honor others above yourself. 
Even without much sunshine, it is still good to relax and nap. 
Laughter is so good, even and especially when it wasn't your idea. 

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