Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yaweh, Yireh: Provider

(My last paragraph first, so in case you stop reading early you'll get punched, I mean get the punchline)

I definitely did not intend to make this all about asking God for things like a laundry-list of 'honey-dos' you might give to your spouse. Instead, I hope you see my focus was about how my brain and God's brain (if He has one, probably more like a giant cosmic server with thousands of sub-servers... He does need to know every language out there, ya know, amongst the inifity of everything else He is capable of). And that God does not discriminate, criticize, nor judge your prayers, and especially not you. Amen.

(original starting paragraph:)

Can I just spend my life reading and then writing. Or, perhaps, writing and then reading, or even just in no particular order. These past days (over a week) of nearly complete restfulness have been out of my plans and also my hands. So, I can't even resist. But trying to resist THE TELEVISION? I mean, it's right in the middle of the house, middle of the room with the couches and blankies, between the kitchen and my bedroom. It haunts me all day long, wherever I go. I caved yesterday, after an impressive three-day run of resistence. It's hard to keep restful when I am a PLANNER, a LIST-MAKER, have a 6 MONTH journey to pack and prep for, and when I have a brain INCLINED to TO-DO-LISTING. Gosh this list is long. But even when my brain is doing its thing, if I have no energy to do it, I must move on; WHAT A REVELATION.

Anyhow, back on topic:
What adjustments do you need to make to approach God as your FATHER & petition Him as such?

WHOA NELLY. This is such a loaded question. This question came from an exercise in the book, The Source of Miracles: 7 Steps to Transforming Your Life Through The Lord's Prayer by Kathleen McGowan. This exercise is based on two words, the first two words, of this historical and magnificently important prayer: OUR FATHER.
The previous questions were about God's gender, which side of the coin you stood on and if you were able to respect & accept other's opinions on the matter, even if they opposed yours. But this last question leads me to something I have troubles with. Accepting the TRUTH that God the Father is a provider and cares about me in a giving way. I mean, that only makes sense, right? He gave up His only child, begotten that is, to be mocked and slain by people that made a sport out of detesting and denying Him. What an incredible God.

Yet, I have God in this box (sorry for the Christianese cliche). I have Him limited by my bad habits: criticizing and denouncing my own petitions before I ever give them to God. It may be a character flaw of my own, but on most days I'm perfect so that might be a flawled philosophy. (sarcasm, irony). You see I hinder my prayers by categorizing them by how I think God must (might!) do a preliminary organization: too needy, too big, too selfish, not according to my will, out of nowhere, not humble, too materialistic, too worldy....But, wait just a long minute here, does God really think this way? Probs not. Does Brittany think this way? Unfortunately so.
So today begins another challenge, something more to add to my Self-Improvement List (I'm a to-do-lister remember). Approach God with out self-deprication, without my mental habit's barricades, and just to ask simply, of my God, who is capable of freckling the night sky with brilliance, my petitions.

(see "first" paragraph above)

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