Today was spent cleaning and packing, all 11 of us. Today we fully realized the farewell that waits for us tomorrow morning as we head to the train station and board ourselves (and all our luggage!!) Athens-bound.
It was pretty relaxing this day of packing. Mostly because I packed nearly everything last night. This was very convenient this morning but not enough to redeem the trade-off! I was back in a bit of over-exertion/exhaustion from the last weeks and could not muster up enough umph to go to Halkidiki, one of the most gorgeous beachfronts in the Balkans found on one of the peninsulas. I do not know what I missed yet, the girls have not posted any pictures or told stories yet but I am sure it was a good time with our friends we have made here through ministry nights at White Tower.
But anyway, back to the photo ;)
It is hard to summarize the last 2 MONTHS of our time spent here. This room in particular is where all of our team-time was spent: worship, crafts, jokes, meals, movie-nights, pedi-cure parties, some breakdowns and cheer-ups, steaming our faces over boiled water in spaghetti pots, you know, the usual. Many a Skype date and skype-call home, and way too many hours spent on Facebook.
This room was our homiest room, its a close call to the kitchen for we all know we love to eat!
Here is where things were planned like Emily's paper-flower ministry, Chelsea's cookies for the homeless, a lot of talk about the logistics for a team media project and a lot of adjustments that lead to it being put on the shelf until God brings it back. Monica's chalking event and Christine's care-packages for the homeless were brain-stormed and organized.
We watched movies here and I uploaded and organized so many picture and video files and wrote these blog entries. It was walked by daily and frequently at that. This room had dance parties and giggle fits. It was a place for community and for love. It was the center to our apartment life.
It was pretty relaxing this day of packing. Mostly because I packed nearly everything last night. This was very convenient this morning but not enough to redeem the trade-off! I was back in a bit of over-exertion/exhaustion from the last weeks and could not muster up enough umph to go to Halkidiki, one of the most gorgeous beachfronts in the Balkans found on one of the peninsulas. I do not know what I missed yet, the girls have not posted any pictures or told stories yet but I am sure it was a good time with our friends we have made here through ministry nights at White Tower.
But anyway, back to the photo ;)
It is hard to summarize the last 2 MONTHS of our time spent here. This room in particular is where all of our team-time was spent: worship, crafts, jokes, meals, movie-nights, pedi-cure parties, some breakdowns and cheer-ups, steaming our faces over boiled water in spaghetti pots, you know, the usual. Many a Skype date and skype-call home, and way too many hours spent on Facebook.
This room was our homiest room, its a close call to the kitchen for we all know we love to eat!
Here is where things were planned like Emily's paper-flower ministry, Chelsea's cookies for the homeless, a lot of talk about the logistics for a team media project and a lot of adjustments that lead to it being put on the shelf until God brings it back. Monica's chalking event and Christine's care-packages for the homeless were brain-stormed and organized.
We watched movies here and I uploaded and organized so many picture and video files and wrote these blog entries. It was walked by daily and frequently at that. This room had dance parties and giggle fits. It was a place for community and for love. It was the center to our apartment life.