Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yaweh, Yireh: Provider

(My last paragraph first, so in case you stop reading early you'll get punched, I mean get the punchline)

I definitely did not intend to make this all about asking God for things like a laundry-list of 'honey-dos' you might give to your spouse. Instead, I hope you see my focus was about how my brain and God's brain (if He has one, probably more like a giant cosmic server with thousands of sub-servers... He does need to know every language out there, ya know, amongst the inifity of everything else He is capable of). And that God does not discriminate, criticize, nor judge your prayers, and especially not you. Amen.

(original starting paragraph:)

Can I just spend my life reading and then writing. Or, perhaps, writing and then reading, or even just in no particular order. These past days (over a week) of nearly complete restfulness have been out of my plans and also my hands. So, I can't even resist. But trying to resist THE TELEVISION? I mean, it's right in the middle of the house, middle of the room with the couches and blankies, between the kitchen and my bedroom. It haunts me all day long, wherever I go. I caved yesterday, after an impressive three-day run of resistence. It's hard to keep restful when I am a PLANNER, a LIST-MAKER, have a 6 MONTH journey to pack and prep for, and when I have a brain INCLINED to TO-DO-LISTING. Gosh this list is long. But even when my brain is doing its thing, if I have no energy to do it, I must move on; WHAT A REVELATION.

Anyhow, back on topic:
What adjustments do you need to make to approach God as your FATHER & petition Him as such?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rest, a Discovery?

'This life I live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son, WHO LOVED ME and GAVE HIMSELF for ME. I do not set aside the Grace of God; for if righteousness comes via the law, CHRIST DIED for nothing.' Galatians 2:20/21, paraphrased.

Well I have sent out about 25 letters to friends and family asking for prayer and money, providing way too many ways to get in contact with me. The scary thing is that I am not in the same state as my mailbox, so I really am having to trust God on this one, literally, I have no other choice.

I sit here writing this at the hotel lobby computer, which makes me oh so nostalgic for South-American travelling: it feels EXACTLY like being in a hostel, except no one is speaking a foreign language. Oh, and I ordered room service the other night because I'm a sickie and have some sort infection in my face (sinuses); definitely not an option in a hostel.

Anyway, I haven't provided a very play-by-play update for anyone following this, especially for those of you receiving my letters and coming here for a resource to explain a bit more about what God's getting me into IN LESS THAN 3 WEEKS!!!

I move to Kona, Hawaii in 13 days and orientation is in 19 DAYS.

I would love for y'all to pray not only for me, but for the other students, and especially our staff! They are prayer warriors for us and I'm sure they could use some spiritual rest and fortitude!